So, you’ve chosen the University of Stirling as your firm choice. The next task is sorting out your student accommodation. I’m here to help! In this blog I’ll walk you through the entire process of applying for University of Stirling’s Student Accommodation. I lived in the University of Stirling’s Student Accommodation for a year and a
Author: Laurie
You’re sitting at your desk, books laid out, laptop open, a mug of tea at the ready. The stage is set, you’re full of bright ideas and good intentions. Almost instantly, the self-inflicted study session sends your brain desperately searching for anything else to occupy itself with, instead of the subject at hand. You tell
We’re celebrating the #PowerOfYouth for #VolunteersWeek! Young people aren’t just the leaders of tomorrow. They are changing society for the better, today. Community Volunteer of the Year This award is designed to recognise the valuable contribution students have made through volunteering in their wider community. We were looking for students who have made a great
This is it. You’ve finished your UCAS application, got a handful of offers back and now it’s time to pick where you’re going to study in September. Deciding where you want to go to uni is incredibly exciting. But it can also be a little bit tricky – especially when you’ve got competing offers. That’s
Student blogger Georgia tells us how she takes care of her mental health while at university.
Fourth year Retail Marketing student Jenna Cassidy spent five months of her third year in the Czech capital Prague, studying at the city’s University of Economics. The opportunity, funded through an Erasmus grant, allowed Jenna to build on her achievements at Stirling by studying an expanded range of subjects and experience alternative approaches to teaching
Let’s face it, deciding what you want to study at university – whether for three, four, five years or more – is a big deal. We’ve gathered together some of the most important things to consider to help you make your decision that little bit easier! What do you really want? The first step is
Hi there! My name is Annabelle, I am a third year (moving into forth year) politics and social policy student. I am from the North of England, despite being born in Edinburgh. When applying to Stirling I was first interested in English language, teaching and sociology. But after listening to students and subject lectures about