Category: Student Blogs

How to prepare for exams

Group of students studying upstairs in Campus Central

It’s that time of the year again, with coursework due and weeks going by so fast, exam season is approaching already! Worry not! Here are a just a few tips to help you with your preparation and get you on your way. Everything starts with a first step and the rest will fall into place.

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University-Managed Accommodation vs Renting Privately [student blog]

Figuring out where to live during your studies can be a daunting endeavour. Utilities, council tax, tenancy agreements all come together in a confusing web of responsibilities that most of us have never had to deal with before.   When I first moved to Scotland from The Netherlands, there was a ton of information I missed

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Finding a part-time job at University. [Student Blog]

Moving away from home, becoming independent and exploring beyond the confines of your comfort zone are all important steps in starting your life as a University student. Part of the journey to this newfound independence is financial responsibility. For some students, calculating their weekly expenses is enough to ensure that all their requirements are met,

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Four Tips to Help You Adjust to Studying Abroad [Student Blog]

Student posing infront of Edinburgh

Valentina Figueroa, from Canada, is a University of Stirling student currently studying the MSc Strategic Communication and Public Relations course. In this blog, Valentina shares some of her advice for adjusting to the transition to studying abroad as an international student. Making the decision to study abroad for the first time can be scary, and

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