Introduction I have been hearing impaired since birth and need hearing aids in both my ears. Although hearing aids are very useful, they still can’t pick up everything and it’s a daily struggle. I don’t like being in situations in which there are big groups or there is a lot of background noise and I
Tag: deaf and hearing impairment
Overcoming challenges Being deaf is a part of my identity and it is something that makes me, me. In life, I have been faced with many challenges, particularly with communication and this has become much more apparent during Covid-19. The use of face masks has made life much more difficult for those who are hearing
Diagnosis When I was first informed that I would require hearing aids in 2017, I was surprised as I hadn’t realised my hearing had deteriorated so much. I had just assumed that people spoke quietly and that I wasn’t paying enough attention. Hearing aids changed the way I viewed the world as before I felt