Tag: stirling

5 life skills you’ll learn in your first year of university 

photo of students walking on campus - life skills at uni

A lot of students step onto campus for Freshers Week thinking they’ve got the world pretty figured out – but after the fun vibes of welcome events start to fade and you get into your new routine, it’s going to become crystal clear that you’ve still got a few important lessons to learn about adulting. 

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UCAS Clearing: 5 Top Tips from a Uni Recruitment Staffer

University of Stirling staffer Gemma Connell working during UCAS Clearing. She is holding up a sign that says "here to help".

So you’ve read our Guide to Clearing, maybe you’ve even visited our Clearing 2022 pages and registered your interest. But what actually happens when you pick up the phone and speak to University Admissions staff? UofStirling’s own Gemma Connell – student recruitment, admissions and UCAS Clearing expert – gives her top tips to help you

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A student’s guide to University of Stirling accommodation

University of Stirling mug and kettle

So, you’ve chosen the University of Stirling as your firm choice.  The next task is sorting out your student accommodation. I’m here to help! In this blog I’ll walk you through the entire process of applying for University of Stirling’s Student Accommodation. I lived in the University of Stirling’s Student Accommodation for a year and a

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5 Reasons You Should Attend Postgraduate Open Day

Do you want to learn more about postgraduate study at the University of Stirling? We’d love to show you around. Register for our next on-campus Open Day on Wednesday 29 March, 2023, 2:00pm – 5:00pm. With more and more universities and colleges to choose from, attending an Open Day will give you a fantastic opportunity to

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Celebrating the Year of the Tiger at Stirling 

What is Chinese New Year?  Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year, takes places on 1st February 2022 and is the most important event in the Chinese calendar.  Not sure what it’s all about? Our Student Ambassadors James and Yuanling explain:  Year of the Tiger  2022 is the Year of the Tiger –

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How Stirling took me by surprise [student blog]

We’re proud to call Stirling our home! With a population of almost 100,000, the bustling city of Stirling provides a great community for city life. Third-year BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology student Emily Snowling shares what she thought of Stirling before she came here, her first impressions of the city, and finally, what it’s like

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