With modern technology, learning how to use your mobile and tablet could actually benefit your university work. Here fourth year Film and Media student Yasamin Saadat shares the apps (for both iPhone and Android) that helped her tremendously at university.
This app is an incredible note taking database. When this application was first introduced to me, I spent hours formatting pages and editing them. Notion gives you templates to use and design, It allow you to embed media and galleries for your photos and videos. You could take notes, create calendars for certain events, and create drop down text to scroll through. You could share your pages with other teammates if you’re planning projects. And best of all its free!

This application allows you to plan your days, with no proper schedule needed. You put in what you want to do, when you want to do it and for how long. Every day, you get a reminder, and it sets you a timer which you start when starting your activity. This helped me so much with managing my time and knowing when to take breaks.

Headway is a self-growth app that allows you to read/listen to books that have been turned into 15-minute reads. It’s very efficient if you’re constantly on the move and what to waste less time and gain more knowledge. This was very helpful on my morning walks to university as I got the chance to listen to shorter versions of books I had been meaning to read.

This application is very fun. It gives you a few options on what ambiance you want to study in, you have café, city skyline, walking and even a virtual (fake) call with celebrities also doing work. When I’m studying form home, I like to keep this on to help me focus and pretend like I’m actually studying with friends or at a café.

This application is one of my favourites. You have different options on what type of graphic design you’d like to create. I used a lot of PowerPoint templates, (which always impressed my professors on how well I’d made them). You could also create banners, stories and posts for social media, which was very helpful when I was creating events for my society. Definitely explore the different options available.