From 16-23 September 2016, the Scottish Government is promoting a Greener Scotland through Climate Week – designed to inspire action on climate change at home and at work. In the spirit of living life a little greener, we’ve pulled together some ideas on how to make the commute to campus climate-friendly – for students, staff and visitors. They may even make it easier on the old bank account.
Giulia Agnisola, Environmental Projects – Stirling Student Union
“I commute every day from Edinburgh to Stirling by bike and train. The cycling has definitely made me fitter, and on the train commuters begin to recognise each other – after a while it becomes quite social. I’m lucky enough to call some of my fellow commuters my friends.”

NB: it’s also worth remembering the availability of NextBikes on campus – where you can essentially rent a bike on campus and return it to any NextBike station in Stirling – including one at the train station along with the Stirling Cycle Hub. There’s also the Recyke-a-Bike initiative not too far from campus.
Lauren Wilson, Research Systems Manager
“I live locally to the University so I walk to work, which usually takes me 25 minutes. I walk because it’s cheaper – I save on fuel and I don’t have to pay for car parking. It’s better for the environment and for me – it helps me reach my 10,000 step daily target!”

Take the bus (or train)
Brigid Daniel, Professor of Social Work
“I live in Edinburgh but travel through to the University most days. I combine my mode of transport as I cycle to my local station and then I fold my bike and catch the train to Stirling or Bridge of Allan where I then unfold my bike and complete the rest of my journey by cycling.
“I do this in all weathers and at all times of the year – it just entails having a good set of waterproofs for wet or snowy days. I like how I can work whilst on the train, which I couldn’t do if driving, and I also get the benefit of having some out-door time and exercise as part of my journey.”

Share the journey
Alistair and Tracey-Ann, Procurement Officers
“We car share – generally we take a week about in driving each other to and from work. We’re reducing the wear and tear on our cars – and us too! It saves money on fuel costs and minimise our carbon emissions. It’s the best approach for us and we’d definitely recommend it to others.”

Do something a little different
Alasdair Rutherford, Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Methods
“Before work, I take my daughter to school in Bridge of Allan. She enjoys scooting, so I thought I’d give it go – I really enjoyed it so now we scoot to school together and then I head to the University. It’s really good fun – particularly going down-hill!”

We definitely need to try scooting to work one day.