Category: Hints and tips

7 ways to beat boredom and procrastination when studying

Let’s face it: studying can be a challenge. With exams in full swing, students from all over now find themselves in that all too familiar scenario – sitting at a desk, books laid out, laptop open, mug of piping hot coffee or tea. The stage is set, and it’s time to get the head down

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7 Top Last Minute Revision Tips

Exam season is almost upon us. There’s not much time left for revision or studying (hopefully you’ve already done the majority of it), so here’s some top tips to make the most of every minute before you put pen to paper on the exam sheet. Remove any and all distractions No. NO. Bad Netflix. This is

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4 Reasons you need to attend Virtual Offer Holder Day

A University of Stirling student talks to prospective students at Applicant Day.

This is it. You’ve finished your UCAS application, got a handful of offers back and now it’s time to pick where you’re going to study in September. Deciding where you want to go to uni is incredibly exciting. But it can also be a little bit tricky – especially when you’ve got competing offers. That’s

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How to Choose a Course at University

Let’s face it, deciding what you want to study at university – whether for three, four, five years or more – is a big deal. We’ve gathered together some of the most important things to consider to help you make your decision that little bit easier! What do you really want? The first step is

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How to Choose the Right Course for You

Think about what you really want to do This is the first step. Think broadly at first – what are you into? If it helps, write down or draw up all of your interests in a list or mind map. From there you can start an informed search to choose the right course (ProTip: the

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Return to Study after a Break – Here’s How

Return to study - a female student studying with books and notepads.

Readying yourself for return to study isn’t easy. It can be hard to rewire your brain from working or family life back into study mode – particularly if you’ve had a break from the books since undergraduate life. Here are a few tips to help ease that transition. Consider how you’ll study Deciding on how

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Clearing for Teachers: What You Need to Know

The UCAS Clearing process can be stressful for students – and Clearing for teachers can be just as stressful. Be ready with our super quick guide. Make plans for you & students Plans can change rapidly on Results Day, so it’s worth bearing in mind the power of a good strategy. Make sure your students

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